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Amak Mahmoodian #8



An external talk with Amak Mahmoodian. This has been my second opportunity to hear Mahmoodian talk about her work alongside experiencing and understanding her new and upcoming projects. Mahmoodian's work explores the relationship between personal and politics. She explains photographs to be a physical passage to the past and memories in relation to Roland Barthes theory. She then went on to read a poem of which reads;


I think about things

that I forgot to remember

I remind myself

to remember"

A personal project named 'Shenasnameh' portrays the social issues to do with the war and both religious beliefs and considered standards. This project was started towards the end of 2008. Due to standards and beliefs in Iran many women are taught to cover their hair and sometimes faces. They protect their identity this way. Mahmoodian places both image and fingerprint side by side in her photobook. She states a fingerprint is the one thing that cant hide your identity. During the making of this project many women weren't happy to have their faces photographed due to these standards.

This particular project became a book in 2016 whilst working towards achieving a PHD. The material considerations for this book were well thought out and creates an even further personal attachment for the audience to interact with. The material used is the same fabric as the head scarf women use to protect their standards. Mahmoodian hand sewn this fabric together to be used as a vessel to protect the book alongside with a wax seal relating to another project of hers called 'Gereh'. This project focuses around the knot of the head scarf and capturing the chin area of the model of individuals of different ages capturing identity whilst remaining hidden.

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